A Call To Assist The Less Privileged On Valentine

As the world celebrates this year’s Saints Valentine’s Day, well to do individuals have been called upon to extend hands of fellowship to the less privileged in the face of present economic challenges in the country.
A cross section of people in Lafia the Nasarawa State capital made the call to mark this year’s Valentine’s Day.
Saint Valentine’s Day is an annual festival being marked on the 14th of February to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration by sending messages of love and affection to partners, family and friends.
On this day many people commemorate the sacrifices made by Saints Valentine as Couples, friends and well-wishers send Valentine’s Day cards, flowers, gifts and spend special time together to honour their love for one another.
While Valentine’s Day is celebrated in most countries, different cultures have developed their own traditions for this festival.
In Lafia the Nasarawa capital, the story was not different as people beautifully dressed in red and white symbolizing love expressed their views concerning Saints Valentine’s Day celebration.
According to them, the day is not all about Love between man and woman but sharing with the less privileged.
While appealing to non-governmental organizations, spirited individuals to assist the less privileged especially in this period, they used the medium to caution youths against negative acts in the name of celebrating Saints Valentine’s Day.