Christians Globally Observe Palm Sunday

Christian Community across the globe observed Psalm Sunday, a feat commemorating the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
Consequently, Cathedral Administrator of Saint William’s Catholic Church Lafia, Reverend Father Stanley Aroh used the occasion to call on leaders to be truthful in the act of governance.
Palm Sunday also known as Passion Sunday originates from the palm branches waved by the crowd to greet and honor Jesus Christ during his triumphant entry into Jerusalem ahead of his agony, crucifixion and death at the Calvary as documented in all the canonical gospels.
Being a moveable feast in the liturgical calendar, Palm Sunday falls on Sunday before Easter, marking the first day of the holiday week, signaling the last week of the solemn season of lent.
In Lafia, the Nasarawa State capital, Catholic Community joined their counterpart across the globe to observe the feast with a procession and at the St. William’s Catholic Cathedral Church, under the watch of Rev Fr. Stanley Aroh the hallelujah song that has been muted due to lent resonated, signifying the kingship of Jesus Christ as buttressed when he rode on a horse to Jerusalem.
In accordance with the teachings of the Church, the faithful with their blessed palm branches, gloriously entered the church where the agony of Jesus aimed at saving mankind was re-echoed where the Cathedral Administrator, Rev Fr. Aroh, said like Judas, some Christians are not only betraying Christ in their conducts but shamelessly sold their family, community and their religion in the quest for materialism and called for attitudinal change.
Like Pilates, Fr. Aroh said some leaders at different strata of governance have decided to sacrifice truth on the altar of lies just to protect their seats, reminding all and Sundry that worldly possessions are vanity, thus calling on Christians to take advantage of the holy week to reconcile themselves with God.
With the observance of Palm Sunday ushering in the holy week, the sober mood of the Church will be reactivated, reflecting on the agony of Christ at the Calvary in anticipation to his resurrection known as Easter which falls on the 31st of March 2024, a feat regarded as the foundation of Christianity.