Effective Parenting Essential for Raising Responsible Citizens – Rev. Fr Shenge

In the meantime, good parenting has been described as the only way to enable children have good morals and make them contribute meaningfully to national development. The Parish Priest of Saint Augustine Catholic Church ombi one Lafia, Reverend Father George Shenge, stated this during a mass to mark this year’s children’s day celebration of the Church.
Speaking during the Sunday mass dedicated to the children of the church, Reverend Father George Shenge, who described children as God’s gift that require proper upbringing, urged parents to nurture them in the way of God to enable them become useful members of the society.
Reverend Father George Shenge said the idea to celebrate children every year is to promote mutual understanding among children and make them feel special, calling on government at all levels to intensify efforts to protect them against any form of molestation.
The Christian Cleric cautioned parents against cursing their children at the slatest provocation, instead , he advised them to train their children with love and care, as well as guide them on how to study the Bible and perform excellently in school.
In another development, it was a moment of joy at Saint James Anglican Church Lafia, as eight priests and six deacons were ordained with a charge on them to preach the undiluted message of God to liberate the people in the face of daunting challenges confronting the nation.
Bishop of Anglican Diocese, Right Reverend Godwin Robinson, who gave the charge, noted that priests are called and ordained by God, hence the need for them to work in accordance with God’s sense of direction and lead an exemplary life.
Right Reverend Godwin Robinson tasked members of the church to support the newly ordained priests and deacons to perform effectively in God’s vineyard, just as some of the priests and deacons interviewed promised to perform their duties creditably.