YMCA Trains 50 Women and Youths in Nasarawa on Eco-Friendly Briquette Production


The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Mada Hills, in partnership with the Association of Small Scale Agro Producers in Nigeria (ASSAPIN), has trained 50 women and youths in Nasarawa State on briquette production using sustainable biomass sources.

Training Objectives

The training, held in Akwanga, aimed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to produce eco-friendly energy sources, promoting a cleaner environment and improved livelihoods.

Project Background

The training is part of the African Activists for Climate Justice Project, supported by Oxfam, which aims to promote the adoption of sustainable energy sources among Nasarawa State communities.

Project Expansion

The project has been expanded to five additional local government areas in Nasarawa State, including Doma, Obi, Wamba, Keana, and Keffi.

Training Focus

The training focused on briquette production using biomass like rice and maize husks, and other plant wastes.

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